Monday, May 31, 2010

We Remember....

Today, we remember those who fought to uphold our freedoms and gave the ultimate gift so we can live in a great country. I am grateful to them and their families for such a sacrifice and also to those who continue to fight so we can be free. God bless each one. Our flag waving on this Memorial Day is a Colonial flag to remind us of the struggles and triumphs of those who have gone before us. Our history tells us of the lives and ideals of our founding fathers and helps us remember what we are capable of achieving as one nation under God. May God bless America!


  1. Hi Trish,
    So nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting my blog. I noticed your Zeke on the side bar, he's beautiful.

    Hope you visit often. Enjoy your day!

  2. I just wanted to comment back to you about the sweet words you left me tonight, but I don't have your email address to reach you. I hope you get this- Every time you comment, I wish I could just give a huge hug to you. Actually, every comment you leave FEELS like a huge hug FROM you! I appreciate your wisdom and your encouragement and you are so right... I know God has our plans all figured out, but it sure feels good to hear the reminder from someone else. Thank you for always taking the time to love on me.


  3. nice post thanks for sharing...found you thrue other follower looking for to visit more...blessings from holland
