Monday, May 31, 2010

We Remember....

Today, we remember those who fought to uphold our freedoms and gave the ultimate gift so we can live in a great country. I am grateful to them and their families for such a sacrifice and also to those who continue to fight so we can be free. God bless each one. Our flag waving on this Memorial Day is a Colonial flag to remind us of the struggles and triumphs of those who have gone before us. Our history tells us of the lives and ideals of our founding fathers and helps us remember what we are capable of achieving as one nation under God. May God bless America!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Hills Are Alive.....

Spring flowers are appearing in the hills and meadows. I love the flowers of spring. I love flowers, period. A bouquet on my kitchen table brightens my day. After dreary winter days, new green leaves on the trees and budding flowers in the garden are welcome sights. I was feeling a little low one cloudy spring day and couldn't wait for my garden flowers to get big enough to cut so I bought myself a little bouquet. They lifted my spirits immediately. My husband is too practical to buy cut flowers because they " just die and it is a waste. " "If I could just get him to understand how uplifting and happy flowers make me feel", I told a friend one day. Well, she must have gotten him to understand because today he came in from a hike in the hills and pulled this little clump of flowers from his pocket. Amazingly they looked perfect. "They didn't have any stems," he said, "they were just sitting on the ground." It doesn't matter that they don't have stems, they are beautiful. They can't go in a vase since they don't have stems but they go perfect in a saucer. They are sweet and so is my husband.
It's all I have to bring today, This and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields, and all the meadows wide.
Emily Dickinson