Monday, December 28, 2009

Grand ,Glorious Sun

After days of low pressure and dreary clouds,
we woke to a day of glorious sunshine
and trees arrayed in dazzling costumes


  1. What a beautiful view - I am so jealous! Being an East Coast girl trapped on the West Coast, most especially at this time of year I long for the snow! Hope you had a truly blessed Christmas!

  2. What a beautiful winter wonderland Trish! Surely a gift from our Heavenly Father. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! xxoo

  3. How pretty... wish I had a little of your snow around here. All we've got is rain, and plenty of it! I do like rain, but around the holidays and a little beyond, I long for snow. And so fun for the kids too...

    Happy new year and much love,

  4. Hi Trish! Please check out my Beautiful post - I tagged you in it with an award for being a beautiful blogger :-) And I finally remembered to click the follow button. Happy Friday!

  5. I was going to comment on your newest post, but it wouldn't let me for some reason! I was just going to say that I loved your Honest Scrap. And this blogging thing just takes a little time to figure out. You can always email me any questions you have though and if I can answer them, I will! I'm at

    And thanks for the the verse and encouragement the other day. It was just what I needed. I was so raw and broken. What a week though. God is good.
